My Learning Theory Video Now #2 on Youtbube (80K views)

One of my first videos for the CU Denver online program was a video about learning theories. I turned it in for a few point on a weekly assignment four years ago. Now it has over 80K views and if you search “learning theories” in Youtube it is now the #2 video.

Sometimes when I give my lecture of UDL i bring up this video because the assignment was that i could have made a podcast, a video or an essay on connectivism to fulfill the requirements. This is an example of a teaching giving the student options to show what they have learned, in UDL that is explained as multiple mean of expression. I go on further to explain that when you give students these options they often times create work that also contribute to the open education resources movement (OER).

This video I created is now an OER, I get messages all the time from students all over the world thanking me to uploading this random video year after I created it.

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