1. Focus
Accessibility Graphic
The focus on my Pecha Kucha presentation will be on how web developers ad instructional designer (IDs) can build more accessible online content. According to a 2010 survey approximately 11% of college undergraduates are disabled. As more courses go online it is becoming ever more important that IDs and web developers follow the best practices for building content that can be used by students with disabilities. My presentation will
focus on the following topics:
- What is accessibility
- Why accessibility is important
- what are the laws and rules around accessibility
- What are the best practices for building accessible content
- common pitfalls of accessibility
- recourses and tools for designers who want to build more accessible content
2. The learning objectives
By the end of the Pecha Kucha presentation you will be able to:
- Define accessibility in relationship to online content
- Explain the reasons why accessibility is important
- Compare and contrast ADA, 508, 504 and WCAG 2.0 from a high level
- Define some of the best practices for designing accessible content
- Navigate to the tools and recourses that can help build accessible content
3. Target Audience
The target audience for this presentation are the IDs and web developers at the University of California Los Angeles. According to a 2016 scan at UCLA, 68% of all web based content was not accessible for students with low vision or blind and 40% of video was un-captioned. This presentation will be used as a awareness tool that can be promoted by my division to help UCLA meet the goal of 508 AA level compliance.
4. Tools that will be used for the presentation
The main tool I will be using will be Camtasia. I will use that as the backbone of the project. I will also use Flash for motion graphics. I will be adding video and photos that I will take myself or find online.