This will be about a 15-minute presentation on the three grad classes that I have taken at the university of Colorado Masters of eLearning Design and Implementation. I started work on my grad program in January of 2016. I have been taking one class per semester and will continue to do so for 3 years.
My main take always from the program thus far:
- Being an online student is very difficult at times due to time constraints and general self motivation
- I have learned that the architecture of the course is as important and the quality of the content. I have taken courses that all I have is a interactive syllabus linking to many assignments.
- Group work is very hard online but an important aspect of learning
- People from all industries struggle with the same things we do, getting technology to work. Feeling as if there is a lack of engagement and specifically student-to-student interactions.
- Writing regularly has made me a better writer
- There is a deep value in stopping the day to day work and thinking deeply about our profession has given me a new and fresh perspective about why we are here and what is possible in the future of technology enhanced education.
- I really do love being a student again.
My Masters thesis is on the ways that online education can better facilitate universal design for learning and inclusive design for students with both learning and physical disabilities.
Social Media and Digital Cultures (Spring 16)
- Built my website and online portfolio and blog
- Introduction to new learning theories and expand on the more traditional models that we all use mainly Blooms taxonomy and Gange’s learning theories of instructional design
- The new learning theory that was proposed and we built upon in this class is connectivism which was introduced about 10 years ago Stephen Downes and George Siemens:
- Net worked learning space for people working in accessibility:
- Blogged about OER and was invited by IMS global to present at their annual conference on the student and faculty use of OER:
Producing Media for Learning (Summer 16)
- Did a lot of video and audio work for this class
- Focused on mobile platforms all content was digested by the faculty using an iPhone
- A lot of creative work was accomplished using video and audio editing tools
- Paper puppet theater to teach young people about homophones:
- Budget backpacking:
- Podcast on UC online education and how technology is being using in the k-12 environment at LAUSD
Learning with Digital Stories (Fall 16)
- Explored how narratives are changing the digital age and how these trends are impacting learning
- Digital narratives are helping students with disabilities tell their stories:
- Kids using Minecraft to tell their own stories
- Original digital short story about the domestication of the wolf:
- A digital letter I wrote to my unborn child: